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Seas Design Seas Design

Engaging an Architect and the design process

Every client is unique and has different needs and aspirations. Every site is different and the budget can vary. Therefore, every design we undertake is bespoke to you. Therefore, the associated services provided by us is tailored accordingly so the cost and scope of services will be personalised to you, the sites’, and projects’ requirements. This information is intended to give an overview of a typical project utilising a simple traditional procurement route and is aimed at someone looking to engage an architect for the first time.

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Seas Design Seas Design

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Home Designs: Pioneering a Greener Future in Residential Architecture

In the wake of growing environmental concerns and the urgent call for action on climate change, the realm of residential architecture is undergoing a shift. This evolution sees the integration of green technologies and sustainable materials, not merely as an afterthought but as a foundational principle of design. We’re going to delve into the ways in which modern homes are being crafted to reduce their environmental footprint, offering a beacon of hope for a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.

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Matthew Jones Matthew Jones

Agricultural Building Planning in the UK

Navigating the labyrinth of planning regulations for agricultural buildings in the UK can be a complex and daunting process for many. The intricacies involved in obtaining planning approval are vast, but understanding the nuances can greatly enhance the likelihood of success. This comprehensive exploration will delve into the essential aspects of acquiring planning permission for agricultural buildings, illuminated by a compelling case study from Matthew Jones Architecture (MJA), which underscores the practical application of these principles.

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Seas Design Seas Design

What is a Schedule of Works Checklist in Architecture?

The Schedule of Works is an indispensable contractual document in the field of architecture and construction, crucial for the smooth execution and financial oversight of building projects. This detailed checklist serves not just as a roadmap for construction activities but also as a vital tool for ensuring that all parties involved—be it contractors, architects, or clients—are in agreement with the project's scope, specifications, and expectations.

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Seas Design Seas Design

Aesthetic and Functional: The Power of Architecture Design Services

Welcome to the world of architecture design services, where aesthetics and functionality blend seamlessly to transform spaces into works of art. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for innovative design, architects create structures that not only captivate the senses but also enhance the daily lives of those who inhabit them.

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Seas Design Seas Design

What are building regulations Drawings?

To enhance understanding, it's essential to grasp that Building Regulations drawings encompass a comprehensive collection of detailed schematics and construction specifics, which must be submitted to either the local authority's Building Control department or a certified private entity. These drawings stand out for their intricate detail, surpassing the scope of preliminary planning sketches by incorporating an extensive array of technical and regulatory information.

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